New Slang Words 2024: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest Lingo

New Slang Words 2024: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest Lingo

In the ever-evolving world of language, slang words come and go like the seasons. What’s cool today might be cringe tomorrow, and keeping up with the latest lingo can be a challenge, especially for us non-native speakers. But fear not, language enthusiasts! This comprehensive guide to new slang words in 2024 has got you covered. Get ready to expand your vocabulary and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge of the coolest slang.

Slang is often used to add emphasis, humor, informality, or a sense of belonging to a particular group. It can also be a way to express oneself in a unique and creative way. While slang words can be fun and expressive, it’s important to use them appropriately and be aware of their potential impact on others.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the world of new slang words for 2024. From “bussin'” to “yeet,” we’ll explore the meanings, origins, and proper usage of these trendy expressions. So, get ready to embrace the latest slang and become a master of the linguistic landscape!

New Slang Words 2024

Embrace the latest lingo and become a linguistic legend!

  • Bussin’: Delicious, amazing
  • Yeet: To throw or discard something with force
  • Sheesh: Expressing surprise, disbelief, or frustration
  • No Cap: Emphasizing honesty or truthfulness
  • Drip: Stylish clothing or appearance
  • Extra: Excessively or overly something
  • Periodt: Period, used for emphasis
  • Simp: A person who is overly attentive and submissive to someone, especially in the hopes of getting a romantic relationship
  • Lowkey: Secretly, discreetly

Stay ahead of the curve and slay the slang game!

Bussin’: Delicious, amazing

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and expand your culinary vocabulary with the slang term “bussin’.” This word has taken the food world by storm, becoming the go-to expression for describing something incredibly delicious and satisfying.

  • Origin: The exact origins of “bussin'” are uncertain, but it is believed to have emerged from the African-American community in the United States. It gained popularity in the early 2010s through social media platforms like Vine and Twitter, and has since become a widely used slang term among young people.
  • Meaning: Bussin’ is used to describe food that is exceptionally tasty and enjoyable. It can be used to express a range of positive emotions, from mild satisfaction to pure ecstasy. Whether it’s a mouthwatering burger, a decadent dessert, or a simple home-cooked meal, if it’s bussin’, you know it’s good.
  • Usage: Bussin’ is a versatile slang term that can be used in various contexts. You can use it to describe a dish you’re currently eating, a meal you had in the past, or even a food you’re craving. It’s also commonly used in food reviews, cooking shows, and social media posts about culinary delights.
  • Examples:
    – “Yo, this pizza is bussin’! The crust is crispy, the cheese is gooey, and the toppings are on point.”
    – “I had the best tacos last night. They were so flavorful and satisfying, they were totally bussin’.”
    – “I’m craving some bussin’ chicken wings right now. I could go for a dozen of those bad boys.”

So, the next time you encounter something that tickles your taste buds and makes you want to dance a jig, don’t be afraid to exclaim, “That’s bussin’!”

Yeet: To throw or discard something with force

Yeet is a slang term that has taken the world by storm, becoming a versatile expression used in a variety of contexts. From throwing objects to discarding unwanted items, yeet conveys a sense of force, energy, and sometimes even excitement.

  • Origin: The exact origins of yeet are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have emerged from the African-American community in the United States in the early 2000s. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Vine and Twitter, and quickly spread to mainstream usage.
  • Meaning: Yeet is primarily used as a verb to describe the act of throwing or discarding something with force. It can be used in a literal sense, such as throwing a ball or a piece of trash, or in a more figurative sense, such as discarding a bad habit or a toxic relationship.
  • Usage: Yeet is a versatile slang term that can be used in various contexts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. The term can be used to express a range of emotions, from frustration and annoyance to excitement and exuberance.
  • Examples:
    – “I yeeted that paper ball into the trash can from across the room!”
    – “I’m so done with this job, I’m about to yeet my resignation letter to my boss.”
    – “The crowd went wild as the singer yeeted his microphone into the audience.”

So, the next time you need to throw something away with panache or dramatically discard something from your life, don’t just throw it, yeet it!

Sheesh: Expressing surprise, disbelief, or frustration

Sheesh, what a wild ride the world can be! Sometimes, we encounter situations that leave us feeling surprised, disbelieving, or frustrated. And that’s where the slang term “sheesh” comes in handy.

Meaning: Sheesh is a versatile interjection used to express a range of emotions, including surprise, disbelief, frustration, annoyance, or even admiration. It’s a way to let out a breath of air and acknowledge the absurdity or intensity of a situation without going into a full-blown rant.

Origin: The exact origins of sheesh are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2000s. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Vine and Twitter, and quickly spread to mainstream usage. Some trace its roots to African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), where it was used as an exclamation to express strong emotions.

Usage: Sheesh can be used in various contexts and settings. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. The term can be uttered as a standalone expression or combined with other words or phrases for added emphasis. For example:

  • “Sheesh, I can’t believe I failed that test.”
  • “Sheesh, traffic is crazy today.”
  • “Sheesh, that movie was mind-blowing.”
  • “Sheesh, you’re so talented.”

Variations: Sheesh has spawned several variations, including “sheeesh,” “sheeeesh,” and “sheeeeeesh.” These variations are often used to convey different levels of intensity or emphasis. For example, “sheeeeeesh” might be used to express extreme surprise or disbelief.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation that leaves you speechless, don’t be afraid to let out a heartfelt “sheesh.” It’s a simple yet effective way to communicate your emotions and connect with others who share your sentiments.

No Cap: Emphasizing honesty or truthfulness

In a world where honesty can sometimes feel like a rare commodity, the slang term “no cap” has emerged as a beacon of truth and authenticity. This phrase is used to emphasize that something is genuine, real, and without exaggeration.

Meaning: No cap is a slang expression that means “no lie” or “for real.” It is used to assure someone that you are being honest and truthful about something. When you say “no cap,” you are essentially saying that you are not exaggerating, fabricating, or misleading the person you are speaking to.

Origin: The exact origins of no cap are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2010s within hip-hop culture. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Vine and Twitter, and quickly spread to mainstream usage. Some trace its roots to the phrase “no cappin’,” which was used in a similar context.

Usage: No cap is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. It can be used as a standalone expression or combined with other words or phrases for added emphasis. For example:

  • “No cap, that new movie is fire.”
  • “I’m telling you no cap, I saw a UFO last night.”
  • “No cap, I’m so happy for you.”
  • “I’m not cappin’, I’m really sorry I forgot your birthday.”

Variations: No cap has spawned several variations, including “no kizzy,” “on God,” and “deadass.” These variations are often used interchangeably with no cap, although some people may have their own preferences or regional variations.

So, the next time you want to assure someone that you are being honest and truthful, don’t be afraid to say “no cap.” It’s a simple yet effective way to communicate your sincerity and build trust with others.

Drip: Stylish clothing or appearance

In the world of fashion, “drip” has become the ultimate slang term to describe someone’s impeccable style and swag. It’s more than just wearing nice clothes; it’s about exuding confidence and owning your unique fashion sense.

  • Meaning: Drip refers to a person’s stylish clothing, accessories, and overall appearance. It encompasses everything from their outfit and footwear to their hairstyle and jewelry. When someone has drip, they ooze confidence and make a statement wherever they go.
  • Origin: The exact origins of drip are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2010s within hip-hop culture. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where fashion-savvy individuals showcased their outfits and inspired others to do the same.
  • Usage: Drip is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. It can be used to compliment someone’s outfit, express admiration for their style, or simply describe someone’s overall appearance. For example:
  • “Yo, your drip is on point today, my guy!”
  • “She’s got that drip that just oozes confidence.”
  • “I’m loving the drip of that new streetwear brand.”
  • “I need to step up my drip game if I want to impress my date.”
  • Variations: Drip has spawned several variations, including “drippy,” “saucy,” and “fly.” These variations are often used interchangeably with drip, although some people may have their own preferences or regional variations.

So, if you want to elevate your fashion game and leave a lasting impression, focus on cultivating your own unique drip. It’s not about following trends blindly; it’s about expressing yourself through your clothing and accessories in a way that feels authentic and confident.

Extra: Excessively or overly something

In a world where moderation is often seen as a virtue, the slang term “extra” has emerged to describe those who take things to the extreme. Whether it’s their personality, their style, or their actions, someone who is extra is sure to leave a lasting impression.

  • Meaning: Extra is used to describe someone or something that is excessive, over-the-top, or beyond what is necessary. It can be used in a positive or negative sense, depending on the context. When used positively, extra can imply that someone is fabulous, dramatic, or attention-grabbing in a good way. When used negatively, extra can imply that someone is overbearing, obnoxious, or trying too hard.
  • Origin: The exact origins of extra are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2000s within African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). It gained popularity through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly spread to mainstream usage.
  • Usage: Extra can be used in various contexts and settings. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. The term can be used to describe a person’s personality, their style, their actions, or even an event or situation. For example:
  • “She’s always so extra with her outfits, but I love it!”
  • “I can’t handle his extra drama, it’s too much for me.”
  • “The party was extra last night, with confetti cannons and a live band.”
  • “Don’t be extra and try to steal the spotlight, just relax and enjoy the moment.”
  • Variations: Extra has spawned several variations, including “extra AF” (as f*ck), “extra asf” (as hell), and “extra like a bag of chips.” These variations are often used to emphasize the intensity or excessiveness of something.

So, the next time you encounter someone who is living life on the extreme side, don’t be afraid to call them extra. Just be sure to use the term in a way that reflects your true intentions and avoid coming across as judgmental or condescending.

Periodt: Period, used for emphasis

In the world of slang, sometimes a simple period just doesn’t cut it. That’s where “periodt” comes in – a sassy and emphatic way to punctuate your statements and leave no room for argument.

  • Meaning: Periodt is a slang term used to emphasize a statement or opinion, often in a sassy or assertive manner. It is essentially the word “period” with a dramatic flair, adding an extra layer of finality and conviction. When someone says “periodt,” they are essentially saying, “That’s it, no further discussion needed.”
  • Origin: Periodt emerged in the early 2010s within African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). It gained popularity through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly spread to mainstream usage. The term is often associated with LGBTQ+ culture and is particularly popular among young people.
  • Usage: Periodt is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. It can be used to express a variety of emotions, from agreement and support to sass and shade. For example:
  • “I love this song, periodt!”
  • “That outfit is fire, periodt!”
  • “I’m not going to argue with you, periodt.”
  • “You’re trying to come for me? Periodt, I’m not having it.”
  • Variations: Periodt has spawned several variations, including “period pooh,” “period sis,” and “period hunny.” These variations are often used to add a playful or affectionate tone to the expression.

So, the next time you want to emphasize your point and shut down any potential debates, don’t just say “period” – say “periodt” with confidence and sass. Just be sure to use it appropriately and respectfully, as it can sometimes be perceived as dismissive or confrontational if used in the wrong context.

Simp: A person who is overly attentive and submissive to someone, especially in the hopes of getting a romantic relationship

In the realm of modern dating, the term “simp” has emerged as a slang word to describe someone who is overly attentive and submissive to another person, typically in the hopes of winning their romantic affection. While it can be used in a playful or humorous manner, the term often carries negative connotations, implying a lack of self-respect and dignity.

Origin: The exact origins of the term simp are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2000s within hip-hop culture. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly spread to mainstream usage. Some trace its roots to the word “simpleton,” which refers to a foolish or gullible person.

Meaning: A simp is someone who goes above and beyond to please someone they are romantically interested in, often to their own detriment. They may shower their love interest with gifts, compliments, and attention, even if it is unreciprocated or unwanted. Simps are often seen as lacking self-worth and dignity, as they are willing to compromise their own values and boundaries in the pursuit of love.

Usage: The term simp is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. It is often used in a derogatory or mocking manner, to criticize someone for their чрезмерное внимание и униженность. For example:

  • “He’s such a simp for her, he does everything she says.”
  • “I can’t believe you’re simping over someone who doesn’t even like you back.”
  • “Stop being a simp and focus on yourself, you deserve better.”

Variations: Simp has spawned several variations, including “simp nation,” “simp lord,” and “simping.” These variations are often used to describe someone who is excessively devoted to someone else, or to the act of being a simp.

Conclusion: While the term simp can be used in a humorous or lighthearted way, it is important to be mindful of its potential negative implications. It is important to maintain a healthy balance in romantic relationships, where both partners are平等的 and уважаемо. Excessive attention and submission can be a sign of unhealthy attachment and codependency, which can be harmful to both parties involved.

Lowkey: Secretly, discreetly

In a world where social media oversharing is the norm, the slang term “lowkey” has emerged as a way to keep things on the down-low. Whether it’s a secret crush, a hidden talent, or a guilty pleasure, lowkey is the perfect word to describe something that is kept under wraps.

  • Meaning: Lowkey is used to describe something that is secret, hidden, or not widely known. It can also be used to describe someone who is reserved, unassuming, or低调的. When something is lowkey, it is not openly displayed or publicized, and it is usually kept to a small circle of people.
  • Origin: The exact origins of lowkey are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2000s within African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). It gained popularity through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly spread to mainstream usage.
  • Usage: Lowkey is commonly used in everyday conversations, social media posts, and even in song lyrics. It can be used to describe a variety of things, from personal feelings and experiences to events and situations. For example:
  • “I’m lowkey obsessed with this new TV show.”
  • “I have a lowkey crush on my coworker, but I’m too shy to say anything.”
  • “We had a lowkey party last night, just a few close friends.”
  • “I’m lowkey proud of myself for finally finishing that project.”
  • Variations: Lowkey has spawned several variations, including “lowkey lit,” “lowkey turnt,” and “lowkey sus.” These variations are often used to emphasize the intensity or secrecy of something.

So, the next time you want to share a secret, reveal a hidden talent, or simply keep something to yourself, don’t be afraid to say it’s lowkey. It’s a great way to add a touch of mystery and intrigue to your conversations.


Got questions about the latest slang words for 2024? We’ve got answers! Check out our FAQ section for everything you need to know about these trendy expressions.

Question 1: What is the meaning of “bussin'”?

Answer 1: Bussin’ is a slang term used to describe something that is exceptionally delicious and satisfying. It can be used to describe food, drinks, or even experiences.

Question 2: How do you use “yeet” in a sentence?

Answer 2: Yeet is a versatile slang term that can be used in various contexts. It is commonly used as a verb to describe the act of throwing or discarding something with force. For example, you could say, “I yeeted that paper ball into the trash can” or “I’m so done with this job, I’m about to yeet my resignation letter to my boss.”

Question 3: What does “sheesh” mean?

Answer 3: Sheesh is an interjection used to express a range of emotions, including surprise, disbelief, frustration, annoyance, or even admiration. It’s a way to let out a breath of air and acknowledge the absurdity or intensity of a situation without going into a full-blown rant.

Question 4: What is the origin of “no cap”?

Answer 4: The exact origins of no cap are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2010s within hip-hop culture. It gained popularity through social media platforms like Vine and Twitter, and quickly spread to mainstream usage.

Question 5: How can I use “drip” in a sentence?

Answer 5: Drip is used to describe someone’s stylish clothing, accessories, and overall appearance. It encompasses everything from their outfit and footwear to their hairstyle and jewelry. When someone has drip, they ooze confidence and make a statement wherever they go.

Question 6: What does “lowkey” mean?

Answer 6: Lowkey is used to describe something that is secret, hidden, or not widely known. It can also be used to describe someone who is reserved, unassuming, or低调的. When something is lowkey, it is not openly displayed or publicized, and it is usually kept to a small circle of people.

We hope this FAQ has answered all your questions about the new slang words for 2024. Stay tuned for more updates on the latest linguistic trends!

Now that you’re up to speed on the latest slang, check out our tips and tricks for using these words like a pro.


Ready to take your slang game to the next level? Follow these four practical tips to use the new slang words for 2024 like a pro:

Tip 1: Start small. Don’t try to incorporate all the new slang words into your vocabulary overnight. Pick a few that you like and start using them in casual conversations with friends and family. This will help you get comfortable with the words and avoid sounding forced or unnatural.

Tip 2: Pay attention to context. The meaning of a slang word can vary depending on the context in which it is used. Make sure you understand the context before using a new slang word, so that you use it correctly and avoid any misunderstandings.

Tip 3: Be respectful. Slang words can sometimes be offensive or inappropriate in certain contexts. Be mindful of your audience and avoid using slang words that might be hurtful or disrespectful.

Tip 4: Have fun! Learning new slang words should be enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to experiment and play around with different words and phrases. The more you use slang, the more comfortable you will become with it.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to use the new slang words for 2024 with confidence and style. So go ahead, embrace the latest linguistic trends, and have fun expressing yourself in new and exciting ways!

Now that you’ve got the hang of using the new slang words for 2024, it’s time to put your skills to the test. Check out our conclusion for a final recap and some additional resources to help you stay up-to-date on the latest linguistic trends.


As we bid farewell to 2023 and embrace the new year of 2024, it’s time to reflect on the linguistic trends that have shaped our conversations and social interactions. The slang words we use are a reflection of our culture, our values, and our ever-evolving language. From “bussin'” to “lowkey,” the new slang words for 2024 offer a glimpse into the zeitgeist of our times.

These slang words are not just fleeting trends; they are a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of language. They allow us to express ourselves in new and creative ways, to connect with others who share our experiences, and to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Whether you’re a seasoned slang user or just starting to explore the world of linguistic innovation, there’s something for everyone in the new slang words for 2024.

So, as we step into this new year, let’s embrace the latest slang words with open arms. Let’s use them to communicate our thoughts and feelings, to build bridges between cultures, and to create a more vibrant and expressive linguistic landscape. Language is a living, breathing entity, and the new slang words for 2024 are a testament to its vitality and resilience.

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