New Lds Apostles 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

New Lds Apostles 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of Latter-day Saint (LDS) history, the year 2024 holds immense significance. It marks the year when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) will witness the ordination of new apostles. This occasion holds profound importance for members of the LDS faith and is eagerly anticipated by many.

The selection of new apostles is a meticulous process guided by divine inspiration. The current President of the Church, along with his counselors, meticulously consider the qualifications, spiritual maturity, and dedication of potential candidates. Once chosen, these individuals are ordained to the sacred office of Apostle, making them special witnesses of Jesus Christ and assuming key leadership roles within the LDS Church.

As we eagerly await this momentous event, let’s delve into the fascinating history of LDS apostles, their roles and responsibilities, and the unique characteristics that set them apart. We’ll also explore the significance of the upcoming ordinations and what they might mean for the future of the LDS Church.

New Lds Apostles 2024

The selection of new apostles in 2024 is a significant event for the LDS Church. Here are 9 important points to know:

  • Solemn Assembly: Apostles ordained in special gathering.
  • Divine Inspiration: Church leaders guided by revelation.
  • Rigorous Selection: Candidates carefully assessed for worthiness.
  • Special Witnesses: Apostles testify of Jesus Christ.
  • Global Ministry: Apostles serve worldwide.
  • Leadership Roles: Apostles oversee Church departments.
  • Quorum of Twelve: Apostles work collectively as a quorum.
  • Succession in Presidency: Senior apostle becomes Church President.
  • Enduring Legacy: Apostles’ impact felt for generations.

The ordination of new apostles in 2024 will be a momentous occasion for the LDS Church. These individuals will play a vital role in leading and guiding the Church in the years to come.

Solemn Assembly: Apostles ordained in special gathering.

The ordination of new apostles in 2024 will take place during a special gathering known as a solemn assembly. This sacred event is convened by the President of the Church and is attended by all members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as well as other General Authorities and local Church leaders.

  • Purpose:

    The solemn assembly serves as a formal setting for the ordination of new apostles. It is a time of reverence, reflection, and spiritual renewal.

  • Invocation:

    The assembly begins with a solemn invocation, setting the tone for the sacred occasion.

  • Sustaining Vote:

    Members of the assembly are invited to sustain, or support, the new apostles by raising their hands. This vote signifies their willingness to accept the new apostles as leaders of the Church.

  • Ordination:

    The President of the Church, along with other members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, lay their hands on the head of each new apostle and confer the apostolic office upon them.

The solemn assembly concludes with a benediction, bringing the sacred gathering to a close. The newly ordained apostles then take their place among their brethren in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, ready to serve the Lord and His Church.

Divine Inspiration: Church leaders guided by revelation.

The selection of new apostles in 2024 will be guided by divine inspiration. Church leaders, including the President of the Church, will seek revelation from God to determine who should be called to serve as apostles.

Revelation is a fundamental aspect of the LDS faith. Church leaders believe that God communicates with His prophets and apostles through the Holy Ghost, providing guidance and direction in all aspects of Church governance.

The process of receiving revelation is often described as a feeling of inspiration or a burning in the bosom. Church leaders prayerfully seek guidance from God, and they listen for His voice through the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

When selecting new apostles, Church leaders will consider a variety of factors, including the individual’s spiritual maturity, testimony of Jesus Christ, leadership abilities, and dedication to serving others. They will also seek confirmation from the Holy Ghost that the individuals they choose are the right ones for the calling.

The divine inspiration that guides the selection of new apostles is a testament to the Lord’s involvement in the affairs of His Church. Members of the LDS Church believe that the apostles are called by God and that they hold the keys of the priesthood, which give them the authority to lead and direct the Church.

Rigorous Selection: Candidates carefully assessed for worthiness.

Before individuals are called to serve as apostles, they undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure their worthiness and suitability for the calling.

  • Spiritual Maturity:

    Candidates are assessed for their spiritual maturity and depth of testimony. They must have a strong understanding of gospel principles and aๅšๅฎš commitment to living according to those principles.

  • Leadership Abilities:

    Candidates are evaluated for their leadership abilities and their capacity to serve effectively in a global Church. They must be able to work collaboratively with other leaders and to inspire and motivate members.

  • Dedication to Service:

    Candidates are expected to have a demonstrated history of dedicated service in the Church. They must be willing to sacrifice their time and talents to serve others and to build up the kingdom of God.

  • Personal Worthiness:

    Candidates are carefully interviewed to ensure that they are free from any moral or ethical transgressions. They must be worthy to hold the priesthood and to serve as representatives of Jesus Christ.

The rigorous selection process for apostles helps to ensure that only those who are truly qualified and worthy are called to serve in this sacred calling.

Special Witnesses: Apostles testify of Jesus Christ.

One of the most important roles of apostles is to serve as special witnesses of Jesus Christ. This means that they have a unique responsibility to testify of the Savior’s divinity and to teach His gospel to the world.

  • Personal Testimony:

    Apostles are called to bear witness of Jesus Christ because they have a personal testimony of His divinity. They have come to know Him through prayer, study, and obedience to His commandments.

  • Global Ministry:

    Apostles travel the world, preaching the gospel and testifying of Jesus Christ. They visit Church members and leaders, hold conferences and devotionals, and participate in other activities to share their witness of the Savior.

  • Written Testimonies:

    Apostles also bear witness of Jesus Christ through their writings. They publish books, articles, and talks that share their insights into the gospel and their testimonies of the Savior.

  • Example of Christlike Living:

    Apostles strive to live their lives as examples of Jesus Christ. They seek to follow His teachings, to love others, and to serve their fellowmen. Through their example, they invite others to come unto Christ.

The apostles’ special witness of Jesus Christ is a vital part of their ministry. They help to strengthen the faith of Church members and to bring others to a knowledge of the Savior.

Global Ministry: Apostles serve worldwide.

Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a global ministry. They travel extensively, visiting Church members and leaders in all parts of the world. This global ministry has several important purposes:

Strengthening the Faith of Members: Apostles visit Church members in their local congregations to strengthen their faith and testimony. They bear witness of Jesus Christ, teach gospel principles, and provide encouragement and counsel. Their visits help to unify the worldwide Church and to create a sense of belonging among members.

Teaching and Training Leaders: Apostles also travel to train and instruct local Church leaders. They hold leadership conferences, workshops, and other training events to help leaders improve their skills and abilities. This training helps to ensure that the Church is well-led at all levels.

Expanding the Church: Apostles play a key role in the Church’s missionary work. They visit new areas and countries to help establish a presence for the Church. They also meet with government and religious leaders to build relationships and to promote understanding of the Church.

Representing the Church: Apostles represent the Church in a variety of settings. They meet with other religious leaders, government officials, and community leaders to discuss issues of mutual concern. They also participate in interfaith dialogues and other efforts to promote peace and understanding.

The global ministry of the apostles is essential to the growth and vitality of the Church. Through their travels and teachings, they help to strengthen the faith of members, train leaders, expand the Church, and represent the Church to the world.

Leadership Roles: Apostles oversee Church departments.

In addition to their global ministry, apostles also oversee various departments and organizations of the Church. These assignments allow them to provide leadership and direction to specific areas of the Church’s work.

  • Missionary Department:

    The Missionary Department oversees the Church’s worldwide missionary program. Apostles assigned to this department help to select, train, and support missionaries. They also work to open new mission fields and to strengthen the Church’s presence in existing areas.

  • Temple Department:

    The Temple Department oversees the construction, maintenance, and operation of temples. Apostles assigned to this department work to ensure that temples are available to members throughout the world. They also help to provide instruction and guidance on temple ordinances and procedures.

  • Family History Department:

    The Family History Department oversees the Church’s family history program. Apostles assigned to this department help to promote family history research and to provide resources and support to members who are seeking to learn more about their ancestors.

  • Education Department:

    The Education Department oversees the Church’s educational system, which includes seminaries, institutes, and universities. Apostles assigned to this department help to develop curriculum and to ensure that the Church’s schools are providing students with a high-quality education.

These are just a few of the many departments and organizations that apostles oversee. Through their leadership, apostles help to ensure that the Church is functioning effectively and that members are receiving the support and resources they need.

Quorum of Twelve: Apostles work collectively as a quorum.

The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is a group of twelve men who hold the highest priesthood authority in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They work collectively as a quorum, meaning that they make decisions and act unanimously. This collective leadership ensures that the Church is governed by the principles of common counsel and consensus.

  • Counseling Together:

    Apostles regularly meet together in council to discuss and decide on matters of Church policy, doctrine, and administration. They share their insights and perspectives, seeking inspiration from God to guide their decisions.

  • Unanimous Decisions:

    Decisions in the Quorum of the Twelve are made unanimously. This means that all members of the quorum must be in agreement before a decision can be made. This process helps to ensure that decisions are carefully considered and that they reflect the will of the Lord.

  • Unity and Harmony:

    The apostles strive to maintain unity and harmony within the quorum. They recognize that their collective strength comes from their ability to work together in love and mutual respect. They seek to resolve any differences through open and honest communication.

  • Succession in the Presidency:

    The President of the Church is the senior apostle in the Quorum of the Twelve. When the President of the Church passes away or is unable to serve, the senior apostle becomes the new President. This orderly succession ensures that the Church has continuous leadership.

The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is a vital part of the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Through their collective wisdom, inspiration, and unity, they help to guide the Church and to carry out the work of Jesus Christ on earth.

Succession in Presidency: Senior apostle becomes Church President.

The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the senior apostle in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When the President of the Church passes away or is unable to serve, the senior apostle automatically becomes the new President. This orderly succession ensures that the Church has continuous leadership.

The succession of the Church President is based on the principle of seniority, which means that the apostle who has served the longest in the Quorum of the Twelve becomes the President. This practice helps to ensure that the President is an experienced and seasoned leader who is well-prepared to lead the Church.

The transition from one President to the next is typically smooth and seamless. When a new President is called, he is immediately set apart and ordained to the office of President of the Church by the remaining members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The new President then selects two counselors from among the apostles to serve with him in the First Presidency, which is the highest governing body of the Church.

The orderly succession of the Church President is a testament to the divine nature of the Church’s leadership. It ensures that the Church is led by a prophet, seer, and revelator who holds the keys of the priesthood and who is authorized to speak for God on earth.

The current President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Russell M. Nelson, who became President in January 2018. President Nelson is the 17th President of the Church and is considered a prophet, seer, and revelator.

Enduring Legacy: Apostles’ impact felt for generations.

The apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints leave an enduring legacy that extends far beyond their mortal lives. Their teachings, writings, and example continue to influence and inspire members of the Church for generations.

  • Scriptures and Teachings:

    Apostles are responsible for compiling and publishing the scriptures of the Church, including the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants. Their teachings and interpretations of these scriptures provide a foundation of doctrine and guidance for members of the Church.

  • Missionary Work:

    Apostles play a key role in the Church’s missionary work. They travel the world, preaching the gospel and inviting others to come unto Christ. Their efforts have helped to spread the Church to all corners of the globe.

  • Temple Ordinances:

    Apostles oversee the construction and operation of temples, which are sacred buildings where members of the Church can participate in ordinances such as baptism for the dead, marriage, and the endowment. These ordinances are essential for members’ eternal progression.

  • Leadership and Example:

    Apostles provide leadership and example for members of the Church. They teach by word and deed the principles of righteousness, love, and service. Their lives are a testament to the power of the gospel and the blessings that come from following Jesus Christ.

The apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints leave a lasting legacy of faith, love, and devotion. Their teachings, writings, and example continue to bless the lives of members of the Church for generations.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the upcoming ordination of new apostles in 2024:

Question 1: When will the ordination of new apostles take place?

Answer: The exact date of the ordination has not yet been announced, but it is expected to occur sometime in 2024.

Question 2: How many new apostles will be ordained?

Answer: The number of new apostles to be ordained has not been announced, but it is typically between one and three.

Question 3: Who will be ordained as apostles?

Answer: The names of the individuals who will be ordained as apostles have not been announced. The President of the Church, in consultation with his counselors, will prayerfully select those who are called to serve in this sacred office.

Question 4: What are the qualifications for becoming an apostle?

Answer: Apostles are chosen based on their spiritual maturity, testimony of Jesus Christ, leadership abilities, and dedication to serving others. They must also be worthy to hold the priesthood and to represent the Church.

Question 5: What are the responsibilities of an apostle?

Answer: Apostles have a variety of responsibilities, including: testifying of Jesus Christ, teaching the gospel, overseeing the Church’s worldwide ministry, and serving as special witnesses of the Savior.

Question 6: Why is the ordination of new apostles significant?

Answer: The ordination of new apostles is a significant event for the Church because it ensures that the Church will continue to have inspired leadership. Apostles are called by God to serve as His special witnesses and to help guide the Church in accordance with His will.

Closing Paragraph: The ordination of new apostles in 2024 is a much-anticipated event for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These individuals will play a vital role in leading and guiding the Church in the years to come.

Transition Paragraph: In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional insights and tips related to the ordination of new apostles in 2024:


Here are four tips for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as we approach the ordination of new apostles in 2024:

Tip 1: Study the teachings of the apostles.

The apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ and have a unique perspective on the gospel. Studying their teachings can help us to deepen our understanding of the gospel and to strengthen our testimonies.

Tip 2: Pray for the apostles.

The apostles need our prayers as they serve in their sacred callings. We can pray for them to be guided by the Holy Ghost, to be protected from harm, and to have the strength and wisdom to fulfill their responsibilities.

Tip 3: Follow the counsel of the apostles.

The apostles are charged with the responsibility of leading the Church. We can show our support for them by following their counsel and striving to live according to their teachings.

Tip 4: Be prepared for change.

The ordination of new apostles may bring about changes in the Church. We can be prepared for these changes by being open to new ideas and by being willing to adapt as needed.

Closing Paragraph: As we look forward to the ordination of new apostles in 2024, let us strive to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of the apostles and to support them in their sacred callings.

Transition Paragraph: The ordination of new apostles in 2024 is a significant event that will have a lasting impact on the Church. By following these tips, we can prepare ourselves to receive the blessings that will come from this historic event.


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