Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024: Exploring the Vast Lands of Hyboria

Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024: Exploring the Vast Lands of Hyboria

In the realm of Hyboria, where danger and adventure await, Conan Exiles offers a breathtaking world to explore. Among the key elements that shape this realm are the abundant resources that serve as the foundation for survival and prosperity. This 2024 resource map will guide you through the vast landscapes of Conan Exiles, unveiling the secrets of resource distribution and empowering you to thrive in this unforgiving environment.

Conan Exiles presents players with a diverse range of resources, each possessing unique properties and applications. From the basic building materials of wood and stone to the precious metals like gold and silver, understanding their distribution and abundance is crucial. This map pinpoints the locations of these valuable resources, providing you with a strategic advantage as you navigate the treacherous lands of Hyboria.

Embark on an epic journey across the diverse regions of Hyboria, from the scorching deserts to the lush jungles and snowy mountains. Uncover the hidden veins of iron ore, the sparkling gems waiting to be discovered, and the fertile lands ideal for agriculture. With this map as your guide, you’ll be able to chart your course through the perils of Conan Exiles, amassing the resources needed to build your empire and survive the challenges that await.

Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024

Guide to Hyboria’s Riches

  • Uncover Hidden Treasures: Discover rare resources and hidden caches.
  • Strategic Planning: Plan settlements near valuable resources.
  • Master Crafting: Craft powerful weapons and armor with rare materials.
  • Conquer and Control: Secure resource-rich areas for dominance.
  • Adapt and Thrive: Locate resources crucial for survival in harsh environments.

With this map, you’ll navigate Hyboria like a seasoned explorer, uncovering its hidden riches and mastering the art of survival. Prepare for an epic adventure in Conan Exiles!

Uncover Hidden Treasures: Discover rare resources and hidden caches.

In the vast and unforgiving lands of Conan Exiles, uncovering hidden treasures is a thrilling pursuit that can yield immense rewards. The 2024 resource map guides you to these secret troves of rare resources and hidden caches, empowering you to forge powerful weapons, construct magnificent structures, and gain a strategic advantage in your quest for survival.

Secret Vaults and Forgotten Mines: The map reveals the locations of ancient vaults and forgotten mines, concealed within treacherous caves and remote mountains. These hidden chambers hold precious metals, rare gems, and ancient artifacts of immense value. Dare to venture into these forgotten depths and claim the treasures they guard.

Sunken Treasures and Shipwrecks: Along the treacherous coasts of Hyboria, shipwrecks lie scattered, their hulls laden with exotic goods and valuable cargo. Dive into the depths to salvage these sunken treasures, recovering rare resources and unique items that can turn the tide of battle or elevate your crafting skills to new heights.

Nomadic Traders and Hidden Caravans: The vast deserts and rolling plains of Hyboria are home to nomadic traders and hidden caravans, carrying rare and exotic goods not found elsewhere. Engage in trade with these wandering merchants, exchanging your hard-earned resources for precious materials and rare artifacts.

Unveiling the secrets of the 2024 resource map will lead you to hidden treasures beyond your wildest dreams. Embrace the thrill of discovery, explore the uncharted corners of Hyboria, and claim the riches that await those who dare to venture beyond the beaten path.

Strategic Planning: Plan settlements near valuable resources.

In the unforgiving world of Conan Exiles, strategic planning is essential for survival and prosperity. One key aspect of this is carefully selecting the location of your settlements. By establishing your base near valuable resources, you can secure a steady supply of materials and resources, enabling you to thrive and expand your territory.

Proximity to Building Materials: When choosing a settlement location, consider the availability of building materials such as wood, stone, and iron ore. These resources are vital for constructing structures, crafting tools, and upgrading your equipment. By settling near these resources, you can minimize the time and effort spent on resource gathering and focus on other important tasks.

Access to Water Sources: Water is a precious commodity in the arid lands of Hyboria. Ensure that your settlement is near a reliable water source, such as a river, lake, or oasis. Access to water will not only sustain your population but also allow you to cultivate crops and maintain a healthy food supply.

Control of Trade Routes: If you aspire to become a merchant prince or trade baron, establishing your settlement near major trade routes can be highly advantageous. This strategic location will enable you to intercept caravans, collect tolls, and engage in profitable trade with other factions and settlements. Controlling trade routes can bring immense wealth and influence.

By carefully planning the location of your settlements and considering proximity to valuable resources, water sources, and trade routes, you lay the foundation for a prosperous and powerful empire in the harsh world of Conan Exiles.

Master Crafting: Craft powerful weapons and armor with rare materials.

In the world of Conan Exiles, crafting is an essential skill that allows you to create powerful weapons, sturdy armor, and valuable tools. By utilizing the rare materials found throughout Hyboria, you can elevate your crafting skills to new heights and gain a significant advantage in battle and survival.

  • Legendary Weapons and Armor: The 2024 resource map reveals the locations of rare and legendary materials, such as Star Metal and Obsidian, which are essential for crafting the most powerful weapons and armor in the game. These legendary items possess exceptional durability and unique enchantments that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.
  • Specialized Crafting Stations: To unlock the full potential of rare materials, you must construct specialized crafting stations, such as the Blacksmith’s Bench and the Armorer’s Bench. These stations allow you to forge and temper weapons and armor using rare materials, granting them superior stats and abilities.
  • Mastering Crafting Recipes: As you progress through the game and acquire knowledge and experience, you will unlock new crafting recipes that enable you to create increasingly powerful items. Experiment with different combinations of rare materials to discover the most effective and devastating weapons and armor for your chosen playstyle.
  • Enhancing and Upgrading: With the right resources and crafting skills, you can enhance and upgrade your weapons and armor, further improving their stats and abilities. This process allows you to keep your gear relevant and effective as you face new and more challenging threats in the world of Conan Exiles.

By mastering the art of crafting and utilizing the rare materials revealed by the 2024 resource map, you will become a formidable warrior, clad in impenetrable armor and wielding devastating weapons that will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.

Conquer and Control: Secure resource-rich areas for dominance.

In the tumultuous world of Conan Exiles, securing and controlling resource-rich areas is a key strategy for establishing dominance and securing your path to victory. By utilizing the 2024 resource map, you can identify and claim these valuable territories, gaining a significant advantage over your rivals.

  • Strategic Expansion: The resource map provides valuable insights into the distribution of resources across Hyboria, enabling you to plan strategic expansions and conquests. By targeting areas rich in essential resources such as iron ore, wood, and rare materials, you can secure a steady supply of materials for crafting, construction, and trade.
  • Establish Strongholds and Outposts: Once you have identified resource-rich areas, it is crucial to establish strongholds and outposts to maintain control and protect your territory. These fortifications will serve as centers of operation, allowing you to store resources, recruit troops, and launch attacks against your enemies.
  • Dominate Trade Routes: Controlling resource-rich areas often means dominating trade routes that pass through them. By securing these routes, you can levy taxes on passing caravans, collect tolls, and disrupt the supply lines of your enemies. This economic dominance can cripple their efforts and provide you with a steady stream of income.
  • Resource Denial and Blockades: By controlling resource-rich areas, you can also deny access to these resources to your enemies. This strategy, known as resource denial, can cripple their ability to expand, craft powerful items, and wage war. Additionally, you can establish blockades to prevent enemy forces from entering or leaving your territory, isolating them and making them vulnerable.

Through conquest and control of resource-rich areas, you will establish a powerful empire in Conan Exiles, securing your dominance over the land and its resources, and becoming a force to be reckoned with in the brutal world of Hyboria.

Adapt and Thrive: Locate resources crucial for survival in harsh environments.

In the unforgiving lands of Conan Exiles, survival depends on your ability to locate and secure resources that are essential for thriving in harsh environments. The 2024 resource map serves as an invaluable guide, revealing the whereabouts of these vital resources, ensuring your survival and prosperity.

  • Water Sources: Water is the lifeblood of Hyboria. Identifying and securing reliable water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and oases, is paramount for sustaining your settlements and ensuring the survival of your people. Water is not only essential for drinking and cooking but also crucial for irrigation and agriculture.
  • Food and Hunting Grounds: The vast wilderness of Hyboria is teeming with wildlife, providing sustenance for those who know where to look. The resource map pinpoints areas rich in game, allowing you to establish hunting grounds and gather meat, hides, and other valuable resources. Hunting is not only a means of acquiring food but also a way to obtain valuable crafting materials.
  • Fertile Soil and Agriculture: Conan Exiles features a robust farming system that allows you to cultivate crops and raise livestock. Locating areas with fertile soil is essential for establishing farms and ensuring a steady supply of food. By growing your own crops, you can become self-sufficient and less reliant on hunting and gathering.
  • Building Materials: Surviving in Hyboria requires constructing sturdy shelters and fortifications. The resource map highlights areas abundant in building materials such as wood, stone, and metal. Securing these resources allows you to build structures that can withstand the elements and protect you from enemies.

With the knowledge provided by the 2024 resource map, you will be well-equipped to navigate the harsh environments of Conan Exiles, securing the resources necessary for survival and laying the foundation for a thriving civilization.


Welcome to the FAQ section for the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024. Here, we aim to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the resource map and its significance in the game.

Question 1: What is the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024?

Answer 1: The Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024 is a comprehensive guide that unveils the locations of valuable resources, hidden caches, and strategic areas in the vast world of Hyboria. It empowers players with the knowledge to secure essential resources, plan settlements, craft powerful gear, and dominate the harsh landscapes of Conan Exiles.

Question 2: How can I use the resource map to find rare resources?

Answer 2: The map pinpoints the locations of rare resources such as Star Metal, Obsidian, and Crystal. By following its guidance, you can uncover hidden veins, mines, and caches, granting you access to the materials needed for crafting legendary weapons and armor.

Question 3: Are there any hidden treasures marked on the map?

Answer 3: Absolutely! The resource map reveals the whereabouts of hidden treasures, including ancient vaults, forgotten ruins, and sunken shipwrecks. Discovering these hidden gems can yield valuable resources, unique items, and artifacts that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Question 4: How can I use the map to plan strategic settlements?

Answer 4: The map highlights areas rich in essential resources, water sources, and trade routes. By carefully selecting the location of your settlements, you can secure a steady supply of materials, establish profitable trade networks, and gain a strategic advantage over your rivals.

Question 5: Are there any tips for surviving in the harsh environments of Conan Exiles?

Answer 5: The resource map can guide you to areas with fertile soil for farming, abundant wildlife for hunting, and reliable water sources for sustaining your settlements. By securing these resources, you can ensure the survival and prosperity of your people in the unforgiving lands of Hyboria.

Question 6: How often is the resource map updated?

Answer 6: The Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024 is updated annually to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant with the latest game updates and expansions. This commitment to providing up-to-date information guarantees that players have access to the most comprehensive and reliable resource guide.

By utilizing the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024, you gain a wealth of knowledge and strategic insights that will empower you to conquer the challenges of Hyboria, amass vast riches, and establish a thriving empire in the brutal world of Conan Exiles.

With the resource map as your guide, embark on an epic journey through the vast and unforgiving lands of Hyboria. Uncover hidden treasures, establish strategic settlements, craft powerful gear, and conquer your enemies. The world of Conan Exiles awaits your exploration and conquest.


As you embark on your journey through the treacherous lands of Conan Exiles, keep these practical tips in mind to maximize your resource gathering and survival:

Tip 1: Explore Early and Often:

The Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024 is an invaluable tool, but there’s no substitute for personal exploration. Venture into the wilderness, uncover hidden caves, and scale treacherous mountains to discover rare resources and hidden caches that may not be marked on the map.

Tip 2: Prioritize Resource Diversity:

Don’t focus solely on one type of resource. Aim for a diverse resource portfolio that includes building materials, rare minerals, food sources, and water. This diversity will ensure that you have the necessary resources to thrive in different environments and adapt to changing circumstances.

Tip 3: Establish Strategic Outposts:

As you explore the vast world of Hyboria, consider establishing strategic outposts in resource-rich areas. These outposts can serve as bases of operation, allowing you to store resources, craft items, and quickly respond to threats. They can also help you control trade routes and expand your territory.

Tip 4: Trade and Barter Wisely:

Engaging in trade with other factions and settlements can be a lucrative way to acquire rare resources and valuable items. Buy low and sell high, and always be on the lookout for выгодные сделки (good deals). You can also barter with nomadic traders who wander the lands of Hyboria, offering unique goods and services.

By following these tips and utilizing the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024, you’ll gain a significant advantage in your quest for survival and dominance in the brutal world of Conan Exiles.

With the resource map as your guide and these practical tips in mind, you are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and reap the rewards that await you in the vast and unforgiving lands of Conan Exiles. Forge your destiny and establish your legacy as a mighty warrior, a cunning strategist, and a resourceful survivor.


As we embark on a new year, the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024 stands as an invaluable guide for adventurers and conquerors alike. This comprehensive resource provides a wealth of knowledge, strategic insights, and practical tips to help you thrive in the unforgiving lands of Hyboria.

Throughout this extensive article, we have delved into the key aspects of the resource map, including uncovering hidden treasures, planning strategic settlements, mastering crafting, conquering and controlling resource-rich areas, and adapting to survive in harsh environments. We have also provided practical tips to enhance your resource gathering and survival strategies.

With the Conan Exiles Resource Map 2024 as your trusted companion, you possess the knowledge and tools to forge a path of dominance in the brutal world of Conan Exiles. Secure valuable resources, establish prosperous settlements, craft powerful gear, and conquer your enemies. The world of Hyboria awaits your exploration and conquest.

Remember, survival and success in Conan Exiles require a combination of strategic planning, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, adapt to the ever-changing landscape, and forge your own legacy as a mighty warrior, a cunning strategist, and a resourceful survivor. The world of Hyboria is yours to conquer.

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